Fourth of July Safety Tips

Fourth of July Safety Tips

Fourth of July celebrations are a time to come together with family and friends for cookouts, pool parties, fireworks and more! Fourth of July also comes during the height of summertime heat, so it's important to be conscious of your kiddo's safety when making plans. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your Fourth of July celebrations:

1. Supervise water activities

If you're spending the day by the pool, beach or lake, make sure your kids are always supervised — even if they know how to swim, drowning or injuries can still happen. Ensure young ones are wearing age and size-appropriate US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices. Better yet, jump in the water with them! It's a great excuse to have fun with the whole family.

2. Keep kiddos protected from the sun

It’s important to encourage your children to wear hats and sunglasses. Apply sunscreen to your child regularly (according to your sunscreen’s SPF), especially if they'll be spending a lot of time outside. The sun bounces off water and sand, magnifying its effects, so apply sunscreen liberally — and don’t let cloud cover make you complacent. Look into getting UV stickers as a fun way to teach your children about reapplying sunscreen at the appropriate time. Try to plan your outdoor activities so that they're not happening during the hottest part of the day — if you can't, find shade and keep up on water for hydration. Some baby gear even comes with added sun protection in the form of UPF+ canopies — portable shade!  

3. Fireworks safety

Fireworks are a quintessential part of Fourth of July celebrations. For safety’s sake, consider attending a public fireworks display and leave it to the professionals. Many town or local organizations will facilitate these festive fireworks displays in a safe and secure environment. If you plan to use fireworks at home, closely supervise all kids in attendance and make sure a responsible adult follows all safety guidelines and regulations when lighting them off.  

4. Be mindful of food and grilling safety

Always supervise children around the grill and teach them the importance of keeping a safe distance from the heat. Establish a safe zone around the cooking area. Be sure that little one’s food is cut into small, bite-sized portions so that things like hot dogs or grapes don't become a choking hazard. Get your kids involved in food preparations like placing chips into a bowl or setting out plates and napkins.

5. Road trips and traveling

If you're traveling for your Fourth of July celebrations, make sure to stay alert. Driving? This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about road safety — be mindful of the two-hour drive limit if you're driving a far distance. Car seats with integrated SensorSafe™️ technology can help to alert you when your child has been in the car too long or when the vehicle temperature has become too hot. Never leave children unattended in the vehicle. Make sure your children understand the importance of staying close to an adult at rest stops. Flying? Likewise, it’s essential that children know to stick with you in busy terminals where it’s easy to get separated. Remember to always utilize a child restraint system when flying on an aircraft with your little one. Reference the Federal Aviation Administration for information on properly installing your child’s restraint system.

By keeping these safety tips in mind, you and the whole family will have a safe and fun Fourth of July celebration. Bring on the popsicles and sunscreen!

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